EyeEm is a platform to explore high-quality, royalty-free stock photos for commercial use.
My design process at EyeEm starts from user research, going through problem framing, wire-framing, prototyping, deliverables and iterations validated through A/B tests.
The most crucial step in our design process is research. It starts from simple connections with our users through questionnaires or by inviting them into the office to know more about their pain points and which features we can leverage to improve their experience. Research also means creating personas and/or user archetypes and analysing their user journeys. A/B tests and user tests are also in our core, since we always aim to improve our products.
As a multidisciplinary product designer, I was able to make an impact on both mobile and web platforms creating ad hoc projects aimed to improve our community and customer experience. Consistency is a priority when it comes to implementing design across multiple platforms.
During my experience in the company, I had the opportunity to work on a rebrand with my design team. We went through a research phase to identify what was the perception of EyeEm for everyone in and out of the office. After several creative sessions, working on brand, communication, and visuals we designed our new identity and implemented across all touch points.